Week One: Sept 14th
My name is Alecia Duncan and I wanted to share a little bit about myself. Originally, I was born and raised in Vancouver, and have since moved to Vancouver Island in the last year. I am not an art student, but rather an education student, who has a passion and hobby for art. I love painting, especially replicating album covers and logos. I also love painting clouds and more scenes from nature and the world around us. I have been seriously painting since May of 2019, and have not stopped since. Since I started so late, I never really considered going into arts for post secondary school. This blog will be dedicated to my struggles, achievements, and progress of my artistic journey, as well as my progress in EDCI 336.
I have made websites before in high school, but I have never made one as detailed and nice as this one. The process of creating this was fairly easy, but I am still playing around with all the details of this site. I have yet to take the time to fine-tune this site and truly personalize it. I look forward to spending more time updating this site and getting to know and understand technology in this sense.
Week Two: Sept 21st
In class last week, we were encouraged to watch the film “Most Likely to Succeed.” This film discusses educational growth, inquiry-based learning, and more advanced and new teaching styles and methods that push traditional boundaries. I really enjoyed this film for many reasons. I think it was really interesting to learn the history of where our education system came from that we use today, but also how the way we teach in the future will change, adapt, and develop. Changing the traditional methods of education and challenging what we know in terms of teaching styles in fascinating to me. I learned that the current, or traditional, method of teaching was originally designed to create obedient factory workers who have to raise their hand to speak, have scheduled breaks, and more strict guidelines that did not really focus on actually teaching students educational concepts. I think it will be really cool to see how education will be changing in the near future to move away from the obedient factory worker – style of education, and more towards including technology, collaboration, and inquiry based learning.
Week Three: Sept 28th
In Class this week, we had a guest speaker, Jesse Miller. I grew up having many presentations about social media, security, and privacy from Jesse Miller, so I remember him well. He has always struck me as someone who is so well spoken, engaging, and is so knowledgable about the world of social media. Jesse has actually made me very conscious of my social media footprint. I have been googling myself and my name for years to make sure that my footprint is clear of anything that might seem inappropriate. This tactic has been really useful for me as I do it very frequently, and it is something that I am hyper-aware of, especially as I enter the world as a soon-to-be teacher and professional. His presentations have always fascinated me, despite some of the topics being rather heavy, specifically the topics about social media not be as private as you think it is, or how your accounts can get hacked. I think it was really neat, and a bit of a special surprise, to see him in our online class this week, as I think highly of him and what he does for his profession.
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